Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Mystery of Israel & the Church

Mystery of Israel & the Church 

This Audio Recommended Link is a real hidden treasure of Catholic thought. The lectures you can access are extremely rich and thorough. The site can be a bit confusing to navigate though. So please read the directions carefully.

The speaker is Lawrence Feingold, an Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri. He is very well spoken and brings to light various key elements of Catholic theology and philosophy. 
The Association of Hebrew Catholics has been offering a Fall and Spring lecture series on various themes within The Mystery of Israel and the Church...
Each series of 12 lectures treats an overall motif. In many lectures, Dr. Feingold highlights the unique role and positive contribution of the Jewish people.

- Each Lecture Series link you see in the table in this link, takes you to a page where the various lectures are available for online listening or downloading to your computer. 

- The free mp3 audio for these lectures can be accessed or downloaded by clicking on the title of the lecture. 

- The free mp3 audio of the Q&A sessions following each of the lectures can be accessed or downloaded by clicking on Q&A where respectively. 

- The text for these lectures, when they are available, can be accessed by clicking on the symbol "[PDF]" next to the title. The pdf containing the text of the lecture will be removed once a book containing that lecture is published.